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  • ex1angel body aesthetics photo 12548155
  • ex1angel body aesthetics photo 12548154


Anunță-mă când e online
Model fixare
21, Taur, russia
Trimitere bacşiş
Detalii importante ale ex1angel
Sex Femeie
Interesat de Femei, Bărbaţi, Cupluri, Trans
Vârstă 21
Înălţime 150 cm - 160 cm
Greutate 45 - 55 kg
Păr Roscata
Ochi Albastru
Etnie Alb/Caucazian
Limbi Engleză, Rusă
Păr pubian Rasa
Bust Mic(ă)
Cur Medie
Ce mă excită
generosity, respectful attitude, pleasant dialogues, admiration
Despre mine
I love when people love me and I’m ready to share the love myself
Ce îmi displace
dirty dialogue, disrespect
Ce fac eu pe camera web:
Ultimele capturi (20) Vezi toate
ex1angel's snapshot 1
ex1angel's snapshot 2
ex1angel's snapshot 3
ex1angel's snapshot 4
ex1angel's snapshot 5
ex1angel's snapshot 6
ex1angel's snapshot 7
ex1angel's snapshot 8
ex1angel's snapshot 9
ex1angel's snapshot 10
ex1angel's snapshot 11
ex1angel's snapshot 12
ex1angel's snapshot 13
ex1angel's snapshot 14
ex1angel's snapshot 15
ex1angel's snapshot 16
ex1angel's snapshot 17
ex1angel's snapshot 18
ex1angel's snapshot 19
ex1angel's snapshot 20
Cei mai buni Membri
Wish List
flowers 1
I love flowers very much, you can order them delivered to me on knowing only my number,just write to pm.I will be happy with such a surprise
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